Buzzsumo, my overall favorite content analysis and curation tool
Thoughts and prayers for the people of Paris.
I often get this question from clients and colleagues: What is the one tool you cannot live without?
PART 3: Content Analysis and Curation Tools
This week I’m writing about “Content Analysis and Curation” tools. Tools that help you understand what content is working across the internet for the audience(s) that you and your organization care about. So what if One Direction is trending on twitter right now. Do you sell One Direction t-shirts? Probably not. But what if you knew, right now, what was trending for “climate change” in the USA? Would that help you if you were working on climate change issues?. You bet!
Next week? Marketing and Social Media Automation tools. Yes, you read that right. There are many tools out there to automate forms of marketing and social media that when done right, are lifesavers for small organizations with little resources.
BuzzSumo is a paid tool ($$) that allows you to see what is trending over specific time periods, for specific keywords, in specific regions of the world across all media. It also allows you to look at a single domain name (say the New York Times) and understand what is being shared there as well. It then lets me see who is sharing a specific article on twitter.
So What? Why Should I Care? Some questions you may have!
1) What is the top shared content on MY website? Over the past day, week, month, year? 2) What is the top shared content across the world on the issues that I care about? Who is sharing that content? 3) Who should I approach to develop relationships with? Who are the influential people in my category? 4) Who should I thank for sharing my content? Who is sharing my content?
What I have for you:
50% of Content Gets 8 Shares Or Less: Why Content Fails And How To Fix It This should wake you up!
Video: Puppy Swarms. #JustSaying #cute
Resources: Guide to social media hashtags, content marketing, and how to write a killer headline.
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What’s content shock? It’s a term coined by Mark Schaefer two years ago, when he observed that “content supply is exponentially exploding while content demand is flat.”
You can work your (you know what off) promoting your content to your audience, but you’re going to be pretty tired at the end of the day. Content promotion should be exponential, something that others help you with and carry far beyond your own reach.
Learn how to cut through the clutter by writing better headlines.
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