Learn why Twitter is dead for young people, really, seriously

Issue #118

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Poll results from my Internet Marketing Class at George Mason University.   N = 40


Every semester I poll my students at George Mason University (Internet Marketing) to learn what are the hot social media platforms.

My key takeaways?

Twitter is dead.

For the first time in years, not a single student mentioned that Twitter was a social media platform that they use most often.

What does this mean for any organization that is using Twitter?   It means that if you are thinking about reaching the young, twitter may not be your place.

BUT… Twitter remains THE place for breaking and real-time news.   Unfortunately for Twitter, that is not a money maker.

Facebook remains on Top.

As you can see Facebook alone and in combination with their sister company, Instagram, remains the most used app.  Not a surprise.

Snapchat is coming on strong.

If you are a marketer, you need to understand Snapchat.   Get on it!

Thank you,

Shaun Dakin – Dakin Associates

PS:   I am officially “with her” this Presidential election.    Hillary Clinton is the kind of President that we need to lead our great nation.     If you also believe that she must win, and Trump must be defeated, please consider donating to her campaign and doing all you can to ensure she wins.

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