Facebook Live Stream Best Practices

Issue #137

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PHOTOLivestream I did last week for Moms Clean Air Force.   20k views and almost 300,000 people were reached.


Live Streaming is becoming more and more important, particularly for organizations and individuals in the public eye.   Last week I helped live stream a protest at the US Senate to stop Trump’s EPA nominee, Scott Pruitt.    Almost 300,000 people saw the video at some point, and 20k watched the event! (About 300 people were there in person).

Here are my tips on how to live stream like a pro:

  1. Connection:  Make sure that the location where you will live stream from has a decent connection (either via your carrier or wifi).    Without a strong connection, the experience for the viewer will be not good and you will lose them quickly.
  2. Vertical Orientation:   This is key.   Make sure that you hold your phone up and down or vertically.   I don’t know how many live streams I’ve seen that are “sideways.”
  3. Tripod:  Get a decent tripod with a smartphone adaptor.    A good tripod ensures that the camera/phone is not moving and shaking and ensures that you don’t lose the feeling in your arm holding the phone still!
  4. Be Social!:  Make sure that you are posting to the comments area throughout the event and liking every single comment from people that are on the live stream.    People want to know that you are there and that you hear them!
  5. Get there early:   Make sure you get to the event early so that you can get a prime position to live stream!   If your viewers can’t see, they will bail quickly.

What tips do you have?

Thank you,

Shaun Dakin – Dakin Associates

PSA:  Please take a minute to read about the new security options available for Facebook users.   If you have not enabled 2-factor authentication for Facebook, you must do that right now.   If you want a 3rd factor (I have it) I highly recommend Yubikey from Yubico!

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