“Shaun Dakin is one of the most effective social media practitioners and strategists out there, motivated not only by the sheer “coolness” of digital communications and their power, but also a deep personal commitment to using those tools for social progress. He is my go-to person for what the latest tools are and how to use and adapt them, as well as my most acute sounding board for thinking about how they fit into a overall communications strategy that maximizes connections between social and traditional media as well as to real-world grassroots movement building. That is how Shaun, through his own non-profit, Stop Political Robocalls, single-handedly put political robocalls on the map as an important voter privacy issue.
As a colleague, I’ve witnessed Shaun’s ability to expeditiously engage and build Facebook and Twitter communities, delivering numbers that other “social media strategists” are always quick to promise but very few are actually able to achieve. This is partly because of an historical depth that enables him to design and convey strategy and ideas to multi-generational management teams in order to move an entire organization forward. As a friend and ally, I know him to be a true team player who always brings his full range of creativity and willingness to a project which is almost always becomes a cause, because what he does it not just a job but an ongoing effort to fulfill the promise of democracy that’s for the people and by the people as opposed to deep-pocketed special interests.”